Stop the presses!!

Spinning stories and weaving webs are somewhat of a specialty of mine.  After all, dear reader, why bore you to tears with tales of the mundane, when I can regale you instead with travel Miss-adventures of the Nora Pink Sneaker inspired kind?

Schlepping suitcases up and down denizens of stairs are a favourite activity of mine, which ties for first place with aimless wandering for miles on end, lost and directionless in foreign cities on the other side of the globe.  A close second and runner-up is one that involves racing the clock, narrowly missing my scheduled flight and least but not last, hopping on the wrong train. 

You might often wonder why I don’t post nearly enough travel photos, as, after all, I am a travel blogger and posting pictures is what travel bloggers are supposed to do.  Key word – supposed to do.  But that involves talent and skill and most importantly, knowing how to properly use a camera – a complicated task involving timing, dexterity and having read and understood directions that are spelled out in hundreds of incomprehensible languages.  And even then, they’re Greek to me.  And, so on I fumble…

It's all Greek to me!

Heck, it could be worse.  I could be a Vlogger and have absolutely no video content to share with you.  Now, that would be a whole other kettle of fish.  Might as well stick to what I do best, scribbling and stumbling my way around the world, sharing words of wisdom on how not to follow in the footsteps of you know who.

Due to circumstances beyond my control (and no, my laptop was not on the fritz, I didn’t have writer’s block and I hadn’t run away to join the circus – at least not yet), I literally fell of the map into the deep, dark rabbit hole of unproductivity.  So, I’m a tad embarrassed to have to confess the cold, hard truth.  And really, what type of pathetically made up excuse could I possibly come up with yet again, this time around?  After all, haven’t I utilized a whole pile of them lately?  What else was left?

Unproductivity at its finest.  Nap time!

This one is entirely plausible and somewhat believable.  And I’m 99.9% certain that it’s happened to you, at some point in your life.  And, if not, then you’re a genius and not technologically challenged, unlike you know who

Yep.  You guessed it!

I couldn’t access my account because I had inadvertently forgotten my password for Word Press.  Three strikes and you’re out!   Hold the presses!  Hey, wait a minute… I’m with Blogger!

Ta da!  Issue resolved! 

I’m now back on track and will resume regular postings every other week – weekend, that is.

New dates!  New times!  New content!  New look!  (Coming soon – or just as soon as The Kid formats the revamped website, which of course involves a hell of a lot of pleading and a ton of bribery courtesy of her cuckoo ‘ol Auntie Nora.)

Stay tuned for the updated website coming soon!

Catch up with your bi-weekly fix of Nora Miss Pink Sneakers on the Go.

Next post:  The weekend of Oct 7th/8th.